Training Services
Introduction of Power Generation & Practices
Description:This training programme is directed towards the provision of a basic course that instructs in an easy to understand manner those concepts that are absolutely necessary in order to comprehend and make a contribution in the work place. All theoretical aspects of the learning process will be supported by specially designed low power experiments. Reports of experimentation would form the bulk of the assessment procedure.
Course Duration:10.0 Days
Course Outline:
- Description of what is to be studied
- Importance to oil-related industry
- Basic AC theory
- Circuit elements R, L and C
- Simple circuits
- Application of Ohm’s Law
- Current, power and power factor
- Basic experiments to verify theory
- Three-phase circuits
- Reference to ADCO system
- Radial, parallel and interconnected circuits
- Operational voltages
- Calculation and measurement of:
- Real power and reactive power
- Apparent power and power factor
- Use of voltmeters, ammeters and wattmeters
- Practical AC circuits
- Source of power, transmission of power
- System plant and system loads
- System data as supplied by manufacturers of plant
- The per-unit or percentage system
- Reasons for per-unit system
- Calculations using per-unit system and experimental verification
- The three-phase short circuit
- Use of results
- Supply to system loads
- Radial feeders
- Volt drop and real and reactive power loss
- Approximate calculation and experimental
- Verification
- Parallel feeders and interconnected networks
- Reasons for use
- Estimation of current flow
- Experimental approach
Description and Operation of Real Power Plant
- Transformers
- Construction
- Principle of operation
- Winding arrangements
- The practical transformer
- Transformer experiment
- Tap changers
- Ratings
- Maintenance
- Induction Motor
- Construction
- Principle of operation
- Methods of starting
- Direct on line
- Soft start
- Transformer starting
- Normal operation
- Motor experiment
- Simple practical calculations
- Generator (Standby and Emergency)
- Construction
- Principle of operation
- Synchronisation
- Computer interactive simulation package
- Operational characteristics
- Cables and Lines (LV, MV and HV)
- Insulation
- Measurement
- Loading criteria
- Effect of load power factor
- Switchgear
- The various types used on Client plant
- Definitions relating to rating of devices
- LV, MV and HV switchgear
Change from isolated power system operation to one supplied from the Local Electrical Utility What system changes are necessary?
Decline of role of generation, etc Class discussion
This course involves at least 70% of practical work.
Course Registration
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